Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Inner Working Rants: Fear of the Creator

Often we tend to look to a superior being far greater to that of mere humans. Who's knowledge of the universe knows no bounds and can control every aspect of our lives. What we as humans seem to often be afraid of is the very fact that he has control over our lives. We have had several god like figures in our world and each one tends to have a personality trait that is either soothing or frightening.

When we look into Quetzalcoatl, the lightning serpent bird of the mayans as one of there gods. The Mayans would either fear his power and make sacrifices to him to revere him in all his glory. The idea i believe in the "fear of a god" comes from the humans inherit ability to create and destroy a life. If we can squash a bug without mercy or create a offspring. If a god had created us then he can easily destroy us, and for them who could argue? The world is a cruel and horrible place. Mother Nature Destroying lands with hurricanes and floods. What could possibly control this?

The other end of the spectrum you have the merciful god. The god who forgives humans for there "sins" and will always listen to what humans have to say. The Flaw with this god is that you have so many stories of this god not being merciful. Destroying major parts of the world and ordering people around. This is the idea of control. Humans for the longest time have been like the sheep of the herder. Following the herders orders blindly and feeling safe by this fact. This was quite acceptable before science started to explain everything.

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