Thursday, November 18, 2010

Inner Working Philosophy: Love

Welcome to the reboot of Inner Working Philosophy. Once a week (hopefully) ill be covering the general concepts of the world into a short description of my thoughts and experiences, and yes, how these concepts may apply to New Media. Such as Video Games and Movies.

Ever since my big breakup in February happened, I have been terribly cynical of the idea of Love and been constantly thinking about what it truly means to have it.

"It's better to have love that lost than to have never loved at all"

Oh really? Looking at this famous quote that has been spurted at me nearly a hundred times this year. I don't believe it. Here is how i look at this:
If you never had love at all you may find yourself looking at couples in the mall and wishing you had that feeling. Most people can counteract that feeling of loneliness with the help of friends. It tends to be a temporary relief but we are also social and sexual beings. Relationships are key to both parts of human nature. The partner you find will most likely be your best friend and the person you can trust unconditionally. have love that lost, both of your human natures have been taken away from you. The trust is broken and in most cases you never see your best friend again. This kind of loneliness and depression (depending of course on the length of the relationship that involved "love") outweighs the type that you had when you never have loved at all. i can already see a counter argument to this stirring in my readers fingers. Yes i do realize that if you never have loved at all you don't know what kind of love you actually want in life. 

Okay back to the actual concept of "love". Just had to cover that quote. Re-iterating about what it means to have Love and Relationships. These concepts are purely human constructs, we don't need these in order to fulfill our basic human nature in a sense. The concepts do mean something on our emotional sides and even men have a strong emotional connection, granted verrrry different than females but still as strong.

Now what everyone has been waiting for: How this concept has been used in video games? This is a bit hard to do because slot of game's feature either completely silent protagonists or the protagonists is single and looking for love. Here are the three games that best exemplify the construct of Love.

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Okay i really use this title to much in my blog posts. (Pre-reboot) If you want a love story that really exemplifies the idea that everyone you are with can bug the living shit out of you. This couple  bickers so much like an eighty year old couple you think they would marry each other right there. The bickering of each is contrasted with a feeling of respect toward each other. Both sides of the coin are beautifully written.

Dragon Age: Origins
Another title ill probably bug the living shit out of you with. The best thing about this game is the fact that the immersion is so strong that you will actually feel a connection with the character you are pursuing in the game.  Including the fact that if one of the characters bugs you with their personality there are plenty of other characters you can pursue.

Bioshock/ Bioshock 2
This kind of love is more complicated. The theme of both these games is Fatherhood(i will be covering this concept much more at a later time) Especially in Bioshock 2 they relate to the choices a father makes for the love of their daughters. (Much stronger if you go the good route through out each game) At the cinematic end to Bioshock 2(SPOILER) you give the ultimate sacrifice for the good of your children.

Worst Example of Love in Video Gaming: 
Mario. Just all of them.  
This title really makes me cringe as the start of EVERY game is Peach inviting Mario for some..."cake" before she gets kidnapped. This exemplifies the fact the female lead is weak and pathetic but there is no emotional connection between the character and no motivation to save her ass for the billionth time. 

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