Friday, September 24, 2010

Other Philosphical topics in Relation to New Media

Post Colonialism

It’s hard to believe that this world wide form of entertainment has anything to do with the display method from different cultures but it is really quite evident if your as big into Video Games as i. Id like to take a moment with you in the form of Role Playing Games. You know that form of entertainment where your the main hero rolling your d20 dice just to see if you Manage to Avoid the spikey trap threatening your little avatar Miniature. In the Video game land you’ve got the famous Final Fantasy Series. You know, that series you have a spikey haired main character who has to save the world cliche. Now these games have been classified in a new terminology from the RPG. Its been called the Japanese Role Playing Game. What this generally entails is having the story told to you. The main character is generally talking in place of you and not having you talk for him. Its been debated as watching a Movie instead of playing a game.
The Other End to this Spectrum is the Western Role Playing Game. This sort of game is classified as giving the players choice in dialogue and story options and giving an open ended gameplay feel. These two sides of the same coin have given a extreme diversity to the genre. Their are people who will not even touch a single JRPG. Even if it doesn’t fit into the classification that people give it.


Psycho Anaylsis
Video Games and Movies have been trying to learn the inner depths of the human mind in order to keep up with the demands of the generation. Movies and Video games are being demanded to be rather Avant Garde every single generation. Video Games even attempt to learn your movements and moral choices during a game to try and read what kind of person you are at the end of the game, specifically one of the Silent Hill Games.
A game i would like to mention is from a company called Bethesda Studios. They created a game called Call of Cthulhu based on HP lovecrafts short story. During the game they had a character freakout moments. Where the Character would have blurred vision and start panicking. You’d never leave the first person perspective of the player so you would experience this with the character. Unlike other games these did not happen at certain moments but it would read how the player is reacting to the situation. My experience for example it would always happen when i started to panic or become frightened in real life by the horror in the game which enhanced the experience ten fold.

Reception theory
It’s rather hard to come up with anything unique about video games and reception theory since i have mostly talked about how the players have quite a bit of interaction with the story and gameplay. In fact the entire point of a Game is the idea of Reception Theory. However i will talk about the one that MOST exemplifies this. Spore. This game starts you off at the bottom of the evolutionary chain and you work your way up to a space civilization. However you can create your race of beings however you want. Encouraging the player to have a completely open interpretation to how your world develops. similar to the world of the Sims as well.

I’m going to switch to movies here for a second. How do you look at Shakespeare or Tolkien. Do you look at Lord of the Rings differently everytime you watch it? OF course you do! I like to quote Never Ending story……2 i think…. The book keeper tells the kid that everytime he reads the book the story is completely different. We as humans have the ability to change and more importantly rewire our brain cells from our education in school to come up with new interpretations. That is why the Bible will never be interpreted in its original context because everyone will have their own interpretation. Lord of the Rings will always be interpreted differently.

Post Modernism
Ah Post Modernism, The time period where Video Games were pretty much invented. As in class we were learning about the Hyper Reality of Disney Land. I think the Best example of Hyper Reality is modern video games. With the Wii and motion controllers and even the visual aspect of Video games. We get zoned into this artificial life that you become the hero of. Learn the difficulties and overcome them. In essence, it is truly the embodiment of Hyper Reality.

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