Friday, November 19, 2010

Child's Play Charity

Today Inner Workings would like to help promote the Child's Play charity and Desert Bus for Hope. Ill give a quick sum up of what this is.

About Child's Play

Child's Play was created in 2003 by Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik of Penny Arcade to get games, toys and cash to improve the quality of life for kids around the world who are undergoing treatment in hospitals. Many of the gifts donated are age appropriate videogames and gaming systems, along with coloring books, art supplies, crafts, movies, and cartoons.

 The Escapist Magazine in collaboration with the comedians of Loading Ready Run and are playing a game called "Desert Bus" which is famed for being the most boring game in the world. They play it as long as you keep donating, This years show is gonna be awesome with Zero punctuations Yahtzee Croshaw and many other collaboraters joining the fray. Please help the children in hospitals to improve the quality of life! Here are the Links:

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